Datacore Hospial Management System:
Our Hospital Management System is custom built to meet the specific requirement of the mid and large size hospitals across the globe. All the required modules and features have been particularly built to just fit in to your requirement. Entire application is web based and built on 3 tier architecture using the latest technologies. The sound database of the application makes it more users friendly and expandable. The package is highly customizable and can be modified as per the needs and requirements of our clients. Prolonged study of the functionalities of the hospital and its specific requirement has given it a wonderful shape both technically and usability wise. It covers all the required modules right from Patient Management, Medicine Pharmacy, Pathology, Doctor, Wards, Accounts, HR & Payroll, Admin, Store and other required modules. HMS consists of the Base modules, Add-on modules and Specialty modules. Additional modules both add-on and specialty modules can be seamlessly integrated to the HMS at any time. The Integration Manager takes care of all the data consistency issues.
Helpdesk Module
IN-Patient (IP) Management
Out-Patient Management
Laboratory Module
Patient Billing Module
Pharmacy Module
General Stores/ Inventory
Emergency Management
Radiology Management Module
Nursing Module
Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
Financial Accounting Module
Fixed Asset module
Payroll & HR Module
Leave Management
MIS Dashboard